Kyiv, Ukraine
аrtARTERY.COM.UA - Web development agency
We are working. Order services and support Ukraine
Please note, that by visiting and using our web site, you are accepting the practices described in this document. We do not intend to sell, rent, or otherwise give your e-mail address to a third-party, without your consent. We will not share any of the information collected with external parties with the following exception - when an account is created which requires a domain name to be registered. artArtery may also disclose personal information to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts or external advisors where permitted or required by law.
Please note that artArtery reviews its privacy practices from time to time (e.g., to track technology and/or legal changes), and that those practices are subject to change. We ask that you bookmark and periodically review this page to ensure continuing familiarity with the most current version of our privacy policy.
The Information We May Gather
* A. Non-personally-identifiable information
When users come to our Site, we collect information indicating their home server. Such information helps us identify the most popular content and portions of our Site and determine the effectiveness of our various promotional activities.
* B. Personally Identifiable Information
In certain areas of this Site, we require that you provide us with personally-identifiable information, such as your name, your company name, your contact infromation. For instance, if you purchase products or apply to become an atrArtery customer, we require you to provide certain details so that we can create your customer profile and provide you with the product or service. This includes details such as your name and contact information or information about the company, if submitting an order.
How We Use The Information We Gather
artArtery may use personal information collected online to develop and improve products, benefits and services we offer to our customers or website users. For instance, the names and contact information of persons who fill in the forms on our Web site are added to our data base so that, for example, they may be contacted in the future regarding our new products or services. If at any time you no longer wish to receive email or postal communications from artArtery, you can contact our customer service at any time and make an 'opt out' request.